Work Life

Whether you need to or want to, and are able to, continue working after diagnosis, these resources can help you navigate common workplace challenges associated with chronic cancer.

Workplace and Cancer

Can I return to work? People living with cancer frequently ask this question. There are a number of laws protecting the rights of employees with cancer and their care partners. It is very important for you to know the legal protections that exist when you have cancer and are working or are re-entering the workforce.

Webinar: Protecting Your Privacy

March 2022 - Maintaining your privacy and control over disclosing a cancer diagnosis is a personal decision and there may be ramifications of disclosing. Covered in this webinar, options for maintaining your privacy, while still accessing workplace benefits & protections; common situations that can result in accidental disclosure; and other ways to protect your privacy.

Speaker: Monica Bryant, Esq., COO, Triage Cancer

Triage Cancer - Employment Resources

When individuals are diagnosed with cancer, they are often faced with decisions about how to navigate the workplace, including whether to work through treatment or take time off work. Some individuals may find that they need to replace lost wages while taking time off and need information about disability insurance. Others are concerned about disclosing their cancer diagnosis to their employer or a potential employer. Caregivers may also face work-related issues. Triage Cancer's website contains legal and practical resources to help individuals effectively navigate workplace issues after a cancer diagnosis.

Cancer + Careers - Privacy Considerations

Sharing life events and challenges online is a common occurrence with social media, but what should you post? Cancer + Career's "Your Online Footprint" offers information you need to know about protecting your privacy and your online reputation.

Cancer + Careers

Cancer + Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their workplace, by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events.